Featured Articles

THERAPEUTIC FOCUS - Targeting the Novel LANCL2 Pathway Offers Potential for a Differentiated Treatment Paradigm for Autoimmune Diseases

Andrew Leber, PhD, Raquel Hontecillas, PhD, and Josep Bassaganya-Riera, PhD, say current IBD therapeutics have mediocre efficacy, poor maintenance of response, and damaging side effects, including cancer, infection, and death, resulting in an unmet clinical need for safer and more effective oral therapeutics.

FORMULATION FORUM - Formulation Research Strategy for Discovery-Stage New Drug Candidates

Jim Huang, PhD, and Edward Orton, PhD, say it is critically important CROs or CDMOs that support discovery and preclinical research have the requisite preformulation, formulation, and biopharmaceutics expertise as well as the proprietary methodologies to develop formulations from small quantities of drug candidates for different routes of administration.