Submission Guidelines
Drug Development & Delivery welcomes objective, well-balanced manuscripts that describe emerging or steadfast drug development techniques and information and their practical application to professionals in industry, academia, and government. Manuscripts should be forwarded with the understanding that they have not been published previously and are not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
Authors are responsible for all statements made in their work. All manuscripts are subject to peer review and copyediting. Authors of accepted papers will have an opportunity to review galleys. Upon acceptance, copyright of the manuscript is transferred to Drug Development & Delivery. If illustrations or other material in a manuscript have been published previously, the author is responsible for obtaining permission to republish. Rejected manuscripts are returned upon request. Drug Development & Delivery is not responsible for loss of materials.
For papers with multiple authors, designate a single author to handle correspondence. Include this author’s full mailing address, telephone number, and e-mail address in the cover letter that accompanies the manuscript. The following should appear on separate pages with appropriate headings:
- Title page (with each author’s name, affiliation, and title)
- Abstract or introduction
- Organized body of article (with headings where appropriate)
- References (follow AMA manual of style)
- Author(s) bio(s), including current title and place of employment, academic and association affiliations/honors, schooling and related degrees, and other specifically related accomplishments, achievements (60-word maximum for each author)
- Captions for illustrations, charts, tables, photos, etc.
*Please send color digital photo of author(s).
Visuals–Electronic/digital (JPEG) photos, visuals, illustrations, charts, graphs, etc (along with printed versions) should be sent via E-mail.
Dan Marino, MSc
Executive Director
Drug Development & Delivery
219 Changebridge Road
Montville, NJ
Telephone: (973) 299-1200
Fax: (973) 299-7937
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