2017 GLOBAL DRUG DELIVERY & FORMULATION REPORT - Notable Technologies, Approvals, Transactions, Pipelines & Perspectives

This third annual report, a collaborative effort between team members at Drug Development & Delivery and PharmaCircle, provides a look back at 2016 in terms of approvals and developments in the area of drug delivery and formulation. The report continues to cover the following significant key points of interest, with the belief that understanding the past, even the recent past, can provide insights to what is possible.

NANOPARTICLES - A Revolution in the Development of Drug Delivery Vehicles

Tim Leaver explains how his company has developed a proprietary technology for the rapid development of nanoparticles and seamless scale-up for clinical studies and commercial production, and how it is transforming the development and manufacturing of a range of nanoparticle formulations from a hit-and-miss affair to a standardized process, accelerating novel nanomedicines from the bench to the clinic.