Featured Articles

PLATFORM TECHNOLOGY - The Evolution of Cancer Vaccines: Moving Beyond Failure & a New Era for Cancer Treatment

Jeremy R. Graff, PhD, says new studies show promising data with the use of mRNA-based vaccines and the injection of nanoparticles into regional lymph nodes to achieve disease stabilization. This has led to a potentially groundbreaking era of therapeutic cancer vaccines thanks to discoveries in identifying truncal targets, targeting tumor neoantigens and, notably, developing improved delivery technologies that stimulate a robust, targeted, and persistent immune response.

TOP SPRAY GRANULATION - POLYOX™: Producing Lightweight Metformin Hydrochloride Extended-Release Tablets for Patient Adherence & Cost-Effective Manufacturing

Atul Lohade, PhD, Vinay Muley, and Tejas Gunjikar, PhD, explain how understanding the challenges associated with developing smaller extended-release tablets, and the excipient-based solutions to these challenges, will empower formulators to develop robust, stable drug formulations with high patient adherence while cutting manufacturing costs.

LIVE BIOTHERAPEUTIC PRODUCTS - Not All Microbiome Approaches Are Created Equal

Duncan Peyton says in comparison with other therapeutic classes, such as antibodies or gene therapy, the progress that has been made with LBPs to date has been rapid, and for the field to maintain this rate of progress and to establish LBPs as a mainstay in the treatment of patients across a variety of diseases, a number of key questions need to be addressed.

SPECIAL FEATURE - Outsourcing Formulation Development & Manufacturing: Understanding Critical Attributes Earlier in Development Leads to a More Robust Drug Product

Contributor Cindy H. Dubin speaks with industry leaders on how drug sponsors and CDMOs are collaborating earlier, and highlights how third-party contractors are navigating material shortages and how the industry is shifting to address different therapeutic targets and molecules, such as mRNA.