Featured Articles

INTEGRATED DELIVERY SYSTEMS - The Value of an Integrated System for Combination Products

Theresa Bankston, PhD, says the fact that many of these therapies are designed for home delivery by patients or caregivers via subcutaneous injection, combined with increasing complexity of longer-acting formulations, larger injection volumes, and longer injection durations, has raised the bar for seamless injection delivery technology.

SCALE-UP & MANUFACTURING - Smart Formulation, Processing & Engineering Solutions to Solve Drug Product Scale-Up & Manufacturing Challenges With Minimum to No Regulatory Impact

Anil Kane, PhD, MBA, explains how many smart formulation process or engineering solutions can be applied to overcome challenges of the material properties to successfully manufacture quality products at the development and commercial scale with minimum to no clinical or regulatory impact.

NASAL DELIVERY - A Promising Route of Drug Delivery to the Brain: Scientific Considerations

Vinayak Pathak, MPharm, MBA, indicates after reviewing clinical experiments published in this area, it is evident that formulation design, altering the physico-chemical properties of the drug, addition of absorption enhancers, and mucoadhesive polymers did result in higher bioavailability of drugs in animal models via the nasal route when compared to parenteral administration of the same drug.