Featured Articles
INTEGRATED DELIVERY SYSTEMS - The Value of an Integrated System for Combination Products
Theresa Bankston, PhD, says the fact that many of these therapies are designed for home delivery by patients or caregivers via subcutaneous injection, combined with increasing complexity of longer-acting formulations, larger injection volumes, and longer injection durations, has raised the bar for seamless injection delivery technology.
CONTAINER CLOSURE SYSTEM - Recent Prefillable Syringe Developments Mirroring Increasing Biotech Drug Product Demands
Stefan Verheyden says the container closure system has become a decisive factor for sustained market success, with autoinjectors and injection pumps as growing areas of interest.
INJECTABLE NANOMEDICINES - New Developments in Long-Acting Injectable Nanoformulations
Dongwei Guo, PhD, and Jingjun Huang, PhD, focus on the overview of nanoproducts in the market and the technologies to make long-acting injectable nanoformulations.
THROAT SPRAY SYSTEMS - Key Considerations When Developing a Throat Spray Solution
Degenhard Marx, PhD, and Günter Nadler discuss the treatment of sore throats via a pump spray and explore the considerations to be made when developing a reliable spray product.
GLOBAL REPORT - 2017 Global Drug Delivery & Formulation Report: Part 2, Notable Product Approvals of 2017
In part 2 of this 4-part series, PharmaCircle in collaboration with Drug Development & Delivery, reviews the more interesting individual products approved throughout the past year.
PREFILLED SYRINGES - Prefilled Syringe Automated Inspection & End-Product Testing
Gregory A. Sacha, PhD, introduces the common equipment available for automated inspection and discusses inspection testing methods for prefilled syringes.
ORALLY INHALED PRODUCTS - Optimizing the Application of In Vitro Test Methods for the Demonstration of Bioequivalence in Orally Inhaled Products
Mark Copley, MEng, and Anna Sipitanou, MSc, examine the testing strategies demonstrating the BE of OIPs, their relevance, and the submission approaches outlined by the FDA and EMA.
SPECIAL FEATURE - Challenging Molecules Drive Developers to Get More Creative With Excipients
Contributor Cindy H. Dubin highlights the techniques various excipient manufacturers are using to develop more innovative and effective ingredients to improve the performance of drug molecules.
EXECUTIVE INTERVIEW - MilliporeSigma: Accelerating the Development & Manufacture of Gene Therapies, Immunotherapies & Viral Vaccines
Dave Backer, Head of Virus & Gene Therapy Strategic Initiatives at MilliporeSigma, talks about his company’s expanding GMP capacity to speed development and manufacture of gene therapies, immunotherapies, and viral vaccines.
EPR SPECTROSCOPY - Bringing EPR to a Wider World: Biological ROS & RNS Detection
Kalina Ranguelova, PhD, demonstrates how the latest digital and microwave technologies in benchtop EPR instrumentation is giving researchers new insight into ROS and free radicals that may shape the future development of more effective treatments of disease.
EXECUTIVE INTERVIEW - NanOlogy: Submicron Particle Platform Transforms Systemic Chemotherapy Into Local Delivery
Marc Iacobucci, Managing Director of NanOlogy, discusses his company’s technology, clinical program, and efforts to transform cancer therapy.
GAS-POWERED DELIVERY - Innovating Injectable Devices to Deliver Today’s Pharmaceuticals
Steven Kaufman believes that with autoinjectors in high demand by the biopharma industry, gas-powered delivery systems may have the solution to many of the difficulties the industry is facing.
GLOBAL REPORT - 2017 Global Drug Delivery & Formulation Report: Part 1, a Global Review
In part 1 of this 4-part series, PharmaCircle in collaboration with Drug Development & Delivery, focuses on the macro aspects of the 2017 product approvals.
SCALE-UP & MANUFACTURING - Smart Formulation, Processing & Engineering Solutions to Solve Drug Product Scale-Up & Manufacturing Challenges With Minimum to No Regulatory Impact
Anil Kane, PhD, MBA, explains how many smart formulation process or engineering solutions can be applied to overcome challenges of the material properties to successfully manufacture quality products at the development and commercial scale with minimum to no clinical or regulatory impact.
SPECIAL FEATURE - Improving Bioavailability & Solubility: A Top-Down Versus Bottom-Up Approach
Contributor Cindy H. Dubin speaks with several innovative companies on their science, techniques, and technologies aimed at improving bioavailability and solubility.
SPECIAL FEATURE - Injection Devices: Manufacturers Focus on 21st Century Technology While Still Tackling Traditional Challenges
Contributor Cindy H. Dubin highlights some of the key companies in the injectable delivery market that are focusing on advanced technology as well as the more traditional challenges related to breakage, leaching, and needlestick prevention.
NASAL DELIVERY - A Promising Route of Drug Delivery to the Brain: Scientific Considerations
Vinayak Pathak, MPharm, MBA, indicates after reviewing clinical experiments published in this area, it is evident that formulation design, altering the physico-chemical properties of the drug, addition of absorption enhancers, and mucoadhesive polymers did result in higher bioavailability of drugs in animal models via the nasal route when compared to parenteral administration of the same drug.
SPECIAL FEATURE - Analytical Testing - Contractors Take on the Challenge of Complex Molecules
Contributor Cindy H. Dubin highlights some of the analytical testing services that leading contractors offer aimed at the increasing complexities of today’s pharmaceutical pipelines.
PARTICLE DESIGN TECHNOLOGY - Technical Guide for Solid Dispersion Development
Nathan Barksdale and Elizabeth Hickman, MBA, say there are many articles on the theory and scientific principles underpinning the benefits of ASD, and introduce the reader to the steps involved in the development and manufacturing of an ASD via the spray drying process.
DEVICE TRAINING - Maximizing Patient Adherence by Minimizing the Forgetting Curve
Chris Evans explains how it is important that pharmaceutical companies and their drug delivery system partners proactively address the forgetting curve by rethinking how patients learn to use self-administration systems.