Injection Devices

TECHNOLOGY-ENABLED HEALTH - Digitally Connected Health Technologies: Blazing Meaningful Trails in Healthcare

Daniel Spors and Kyle Dolbow, PhD, say the overall digital health market is currently $76 billion, and is estimated to grow at 21%, and this space includes life sciences and medical device companies that are incorporating digital technology into their products and services, such as smart inhalers and remote therapy devices.

2017 GLOBAL DRUG DELIVERY & FORMULATION REPORT - Notable Technologies, Approvals, Transactions, Pipelines & Perspectives

This third annual report, a collaborative effort between team members at Drug Development & Delivery and PharmaCircle, provides a look back at 2016 in terms of approvals and developments in the area of drug delivery and formulation. The report continues to cover the following significant key points of interest, with the belief that understanding the past, even the recent past, can provide insights to what is possible.

MDI CHARACTERIZATION - Closing the Gap Between In Vitro Test Data & the In-Use Performance for Metered Dose Inhalers

David A. Lewis, PhD, presents experimental data that shows how certain modifications to the Pharmacopoeial test methods used for MDIs may result in data that is more indicative of real-life performance, providing insight that can be used to enhance drug delivery characteristics.

MARKET BRIEF - Preferences for Targeted Therapies & Patient-Centric Approaches Drive Transformations in Oncology Drug Delivery Market

Frost & Sullivan Analyst Piyush Bansal says although chemotherapy has been successfully used for inhibiting cell growth throughout the past few decades, the side effects of chemotherapy have forced researchers to look for some alternative drugs (and how to effectively deliver them) for all types of cancer.

COMBINATION CORNER - Keys to Avoiding Common Pitfalls in the Development of Product Requirements for Drug Combination Products

Jerzy Wojcik says it is more important than ever to bring the right team together early in a project to capture product requirements correctly. The cost of missing needs or requirements goes up exponentially as development proceeds, and many of these requirements can be identified early in the project if the right individuals are at the table.

ADVANCED DELIVERY DEVICES - Disruptive Delivery Technology Partnerships Are Key to Pharmaceutical Life Cycle Management

Michael D. Hooven, MSME, believes in the challenge to deliver innovative therapies that address unmet patient needs while delivering profitable growth, and the industry is responding by embracing disruptive technology that can concurrently help on both fronts and also speed time to market for pharmaceutical products and services.

COMBINATION PRODUCTS - Device Development for Pharmaceutical & Biologic Combination Products

Bill Welch says when developing a combination product, there are many things to be considered – relationships between device development and the pharmaceutical or biologic, early establishment of regulatory and clinical strategies, understanding user needs, determining product requirements, as well as device manufacturing variation.

What are Injection Devices?

Drug delivery devices are the physical agents that are included in the drug delivery system. There are a multitude of devices that people interact with every day which fall under this category. In modern pharmaceuticals, novel drug delivery devices and combination products are being designed for a number of reasons, including giving patients the ability to self-administer some medications at home, which can help them adhere to recommended regimens.

Evolution of Injection Devices

With modern technology and medicine, the combination product market is evolving. Any combination device, especially drug device combination devices, must follow strict guidelines. Thanks to advancements in engineering, an increasing number of drug delivery devices are being developed as electromechanical devices linked to apps in order to provide patients with more supervision when administering medications at home. Some of these medical apps may receive feedback from the device to track how much drug is being administered and how often, provide patients with dosing reminders and connect clinicians with this information so they can monitor patient compliance. The drug delivery devices that so many patients depend on must adhere to regulatory standards. There are strict guidelines for all methods of drug delivery, such as needle-based, aerosol, and needle-free injectors.

Smart devices, interconnectivity, and related technology provide real-time data to healthcare providers for analysis, but these device additions should not increase risks, including patient understanding of treatment delivery, or jeopardize compliance. Data collection needs to be “passive” to the patient. In other words, invisible to the patient’s use of the device so that the collected data provides a true benefit to the end user. If these design considerations can be implemented without impacting the patient or how they administer and receive treatment, then smart devices can provide advantages to the patient and the industry.

Injection Device Global Market Trends

The global injectable drug delivery devices market is expected to show significant growth in the coming years as manufacturers introduce technological advancements and product innovation meant to improve convenience, compliance, and ease of administration of parenterals. Additionally, the increasing preference for at-home self-injection is driving the market as patients prefer to continue to avoid healthcare settings post-COVID. With all of this taken into account, one market study predicts the global market to reach almost $26 billion by 2025, up from $15 billion in 2020. However, another report values the global market at $42.76 billion in 2021 and expects it to reach $50.9 billion in 2025.

How the numbers will play out is yet to be determined, but the studies do highlight the focus on single-use and reusable systems. Disposable-use prefilled syringes (PFS) are increasingly used due to the prevalence of chronic diseases and the growing number of biologics best delivered by syringes. Single-use autoinjectors are also poised to experience increased demand, particularly with the growing pervasiveness of anaphylaxis disorders. Autoinjectors also provide a convenient alternative to manual syringe injections for subcutaneous administration.

Reusable Injection Devices

Pen injectors with prefilled cartridges have also proven to be a viable  alternative to syringes. These injectors can perform hundreds of injections, with patients controlling the speed of delivery to minimize pain or discomfort during use.

Making injection devices partially reusable is a cost-saving strategy. Ideally, the device’s mechanism and/or electronics are the reusable parts of the system – as these are often the costliest – and the drug containers and needle are one-time use.

Another cost-saving strategy that several large pharmaceutical companies are deploying is to develop a device platform for multiple drug products in their portfolio. This allows them to spend resources on a single significant development program, for one optimal injection device, which then requires minimal customization for each sub-sequent product line.

Despite efforts to make better, safer, simpler injection devices, patient adherence is still a challenge associated with self-administration. This has resulted in the emergence of smart devices, such as wearable injectors, which share patient data with healthcare providers to ensure compliance. And while it is expected this sector will continue to grow, some industry insiders warn against making these devices too intrusive.