Featured Articles

RISK-BASED MONITORING - Making the Move to RBM: Improving Patient Safety & Data Quality With Real-Time Insights

Crystal Stone and Amanda Coogan indicate that in an era in which the time- and resource-intensive business model of developing blockbuster drugs has been supplanted by a push to move drug candidates through the pipeline with greater speed, accuracy, and quality, RBM and real-time data analytics are becoming a must-have for clinical trials.

FORMULATION FORUM - Application of Nano-Emulsion Technology to Address Unmet Medical Needs: A Case Study of Clopidogrel IV by 505(b)(2) Pathway

Jim Huang, PhD, presents a case study on how the EmulSol technology produces stable, optically clear nano-emulsions without the use of organic solvents and with minimal use of surfactants using a high-pressure or microfluidic homogenization process.

THERAPEUTIC PEPTIDES - Continuous Manufacturing of Peptides Could Speed Up Development, Reduce Costs & Improve Quality

Jens Bukrinski, PhD, MSc, says the high-quality, high-process consistency between manufacturing runs and the in-line PAT analytics of the μLOT platform will enable unprecedented robustness of the manufacturing process, significantly retiring the risk of failure to supply due to non-scalability of the manufacturing process.