
May 2019

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SPECIAL FEATURE - Prefilled Syringes & Parenteral Manufacturing: Flexibility for Faster Development

Contributor Cindy H. Dubin interviews several contract manufacturers and device developers who are responsible for creating next-generation parenteral drug delivery.


SPECIAL FEATURE - Prefilled Syringes & Parenteral Manufacturing: Flexibility for Faster Development

Contributor Cindy H. Dubin interviews several contract manufacturers and device developers who are responsible for creating next-generation parenteral drug delivery.

DRUG DELIVERY – ENHANZE (®): An Efficient Way to Optimize Biologic Therapies for Subcutaneous Administration

Michael J. LaBarre, PhD, discusses how the ENHANZE drug delivery technology has the potential to improve the pharmacokinetic profiles of co-administered drugs through increased dispersion, absorption, and bioavailability.

TOPICAL DEVELOPMENT - Fast Tracking Your Way to Success

Marc Brown, PhD, Jon Lenn, PhD, and Jeremy Drummond, PhD, believe it is essential the lead (and potentially a back-up formulation depending on any risk factors identified) has been optimized and characterized to demonstrate it will maintain its quality and performance as well as provide the best chance of measurable success in the clinical setting.

CHECKPOINT INHIBITORS - Novel Targets & Global Markets

Laurie L. Sullivan and Cheryl L. Barton, PhD, say as manufacturers expand the clinical utility and healthcare professionals become more familiar with their efficacy and safety profiles, the checkpoint inhibitor market will continue to expand, becoming the cornerstone of many cancer treatment regimens.

DRUG DEVELOPMENT - Softgel Technology for Fast-Tracked Development Programs

Jeff Browne, PhD, and Ronak Savla, PharmD, PhD, believe given the accelerated timelines associated with expedited programs, lipid-based drug formulations, encapsulated in softgel capsules, provide an attractive option for addressing the challenges facing formulators.

FORMULATION FORUM - Formulation Development From Preclinical to First-In-Human

Jim Huang, PhD, says when a compound enters preclinical development for a GLP tox study from the drug discovery stage, formulators have innovative options on how to develop a tox and clinical formulation that ensures the success of IND and first dose in human.

EXECUTIVE INTERVIEW - PAREXEL: Advancing Patient-Centric Drug Development to Improve Clinical Trial Success

Sy Pretorius, MD, Senior VP, Medical & Scientific Services at PAREXEL, discusses the new Patient Innovation Center and how it is helping to improve the patient experience, enhance study recruitment and retention, reduce costs, and deliver better data.

GLOBAL REPORT – 2018 Global Drug Delivery & Formulation Report: Part 3: Notable Drug Delivery and Formulation Transactions and Technologies of 2018

In part 3 of this 4-part series, PharmaCircle, in collaboration with Drug Development & Delivery, offers a short overview of drug delivery and formulation transactions and includes some of the numbers that color the trends of 2018 along with some thoughts on notable transactions and technologies.