Strathclyde University conclude that membrane technology could revolutionize vaccine and therapeutics production
Whilst paying tribute to to the hugely impressive efforts of those who reconfigured existing equipment at speed into a “Generation 1” manufacturing process for mRNA vaccines, in extensive 6-month trials, the Institute of Pharmacy & Biomedical Sciences, University of Strathclyde, in Glasgow has been able to successfully demonstrate that aseptic, low pressure membrane technology developed by UK-based particle engineering specialist Micropore Technologies is able to deliver a “Generation 2” configuration capable of delivering PolyA LNPs at throughputs of over 500 liters an hour.
“This comprehensive series of studies demonstrate that users of our technology can begin their nucleic acid therapy development at a scale of mg/hour safe in the knowledge that the same manufacturing regime will take them to scale up of up to over 500 litres/hour under a PAT compliant operating system while using a fraction of the energy of high pressure systems” says Dai Hayward – CEO of Micropore Technologies Ltd.
On 10th August Dr Perrie, an internationally recognized expert in the field of liposomes and nona-particulate drug delivery research, with approximately 130 peer reviewed manuscripts, will will lead experts from Micropore in a live webinar to present the results from the 6-month project to evaluate this new technology for LNP production. Go to to register for this free webinar.
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