Rexam Healthcare Devices Becomes Nemera; Renews Commitment
It was announced today that the healthcare business formerly known as Rexam Healthcare Devices has become Nemera. This name change follows the May 2, 2014, acquisition by Montagu Private Equity. Nemera will continue to operate with the same management team, and its choice of name signifies a renewed commitment to its mission of providing patients with safe and accurate delivery devices.
A new name that stands for life and efficiency
The name Nemera comes from two sources: Emera from Greek meaning day and suggesting renewal, fresh hope, and life; and Nemer from Hebrew and Arabic, meaning leopard and suggesting swiftness, efficiency, and agility.
One of the world leaders in drug delivery solutions
Nemera is one of the world leaders in the design, development, and manufacturing of drug delivery solutions. Its expertise covers all five modes of delivery: ophthalmic (preservative-free droppers), nasal, buccal, auricular (sprays pumps, etc), pulmonary (inhalers), dermal and transdermal (dispensers), and parenteral (injectors, pens, safety devices). Nemera provides solutions for the pharmaceutical industry, including standard innovative products, development of custom devices, and contract manufacturing.
“There is no limit to Nemera’s ambition to serve patients. We already market devices in over 40 countries for millions of users. We’ll keep investing in new products and in state-of-the-art manufacturing equipment, to help even more patients with high-quality devices all over the world,” said Marc Haemel, CEO.
Montagu has also bought Rexam Prescription Products, the industry leader in prescription packaging for over 100 years, which is now known as Centor. For more information, download Nemera’s special edition NewsMag or find Nemera on the web at
Nemera in Numbers
-4 plants in Europe and the US
-50 engineers and experts working at the Nemera innovation center
-1,300 employees
-30,000 square meters of manufacturing clean rooms
Press contact
Laurence Quesdeville
Communication Manager
+33 (0)1 57 27 13 17
+33 (0)6 89 62 77 81
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