nSpire Health Announces Next-Generation Respiratory Clinical Trial eDiary
nSpire Health Inc. recently announced the introduction of PROLogic(TM), its latest eDiary for respiratory clinical trials. Based on the PiKoLogic(TM) ePRO device platform, PROLogic provides clinical trial sponsors with a cost-effective electronic diary that delivers improved subject compliance, real-time access to diary data, global language and configuration support, and full customization to support the needs of the study protocol.
The questions asked, session intervals, and alarm times are all tailored to the needs of the sponsor and study protocol. PROLogic supports localization of languages, time zones, and other settings for global studies. PROLogic can be configured with branching logic to ask follow-up questions or advise the subject based on answers to earlier questions. For example, if the subject responds that he experienced an asthma exacerbation, a question can be presented to request details of the exacerbation. PROLogic can then instantly communicate the responses back to nSpire’s secure study servers, where the data is immediately accessible by the sponsor and research site. This allows the sponsor and sites to closely monitor subject responses to improve safety and compliance.
“The real-time availability of diary responses has transformed the compliance and quality of the subject data over the course of a clinical trial. Traditionally, subject diary compliance rates of 80% to 90% are common. We’ve realized compliance rates of 98% study-wide for randomized subjects with the PiKoLogic and PROLogic devices,” explains Dr. Edmond Chu, CTO of nSpire Health.
nSpire Health develops and manufactures respiratory care products and provides related services. The company is focused on cardiopulmonary diagnostics, respiratory clinical trial services, and disease management solutions designed to improve healthcare productivity while increasing the overall quality of patient care. nSpire Health is the exclusive provider of PiKo(R) home health monitors, PiKoLogic(TM) and PROLogic(TM) ePRO solutions, KoKo(R) spirometers, and HDpft(TM) systems, the most accurate and precise pulmonary function testing systems worldwide. Learn more about the PROLogic eDiary at http://www.nspirehealth.com/prologic. Learn about nSpire Health Clinical Solutions at http://www.nspirehealth.com/clinical
Tad Scheiblich
nSpire Health, Inc
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