Novozymes & Malvern Publish Collaborative Study
In a recently published article, researchers from Novozymes Biopharma and Malvern Instruments describe collaborative work using light scattering techniques to demonstrate the short- and long-term stability of the novel recombinant human albumins Albucult and Recombumin. These rAlbumins have been developed and optimized to deliver a safe, stable, and regulatory-compliant product for therapeutic formulations. The teams applied the resolving and detection capabilities of size exclusion chromatography light scattering (SEC-LS) and dynamic light scattering (DLS) offered by Malvern systems to monitor the stability of these Novozymes products. The article Tools for Evaluating the Stability of Human Recombinant Albumins Used in Human Therapeutics can be accessed at
Novozymes Biopharma develops and manufactures high-quality, animal-free, and regulatory-compliant recombinant ingredients and technologies to support the development of innovative pharmaceutical products. For more information, visit
Malvern offers a growing range of systems for protein characterization.The Zetasizer Nano is one of the most widely applied systems for measuring particle size and molecular size using dynamic light scattering, and protein mobility (zeta potential) by electrophoretic light scattering, while the Zetasizer APS offers robust, simple-to-operate, dynamic and static light scattering and automates the measurement of samples in industry standard 96- or 384-well plates. For more information, visit
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