Cognate BioServices & Its Gene Therapy Division Cobra Biologics Announce Major Expansion
Cobra Biologics, the gene therapy division of the Cognate BioServices’ group, recently announced a multi-phase augmentation of its plasmid DNA services as a continuation of its Gene Therapy services’ expansion project for viral vectors and plasmid DNA. This includes a four-fold increase in HQ (High Quality) DNA manufacturing capacity alongside new clinical and commercial GMP DNA facilities at its European facilities. The HQ plasmid manufacturing service provides a rapid 6-week delivery time for the clinical manufacture of immuno-oncology therapies, for example, products utilizing AAV, lentiviral vector, and CRISPR products.
After its acquisition of Cobra Biologics in January 2020, Cognate has positioned itself as a global provider of end-to-end capabilities in the development and manufacturing of cell & gene therapy products. This expansion is in direct response to the great demand of commercial capacity within the biologics industry.
Cognate BioServices, Inc., the premier commercial-ready, global CDMO in the Cell and Gene Therapy industry, has also announced its plans to expand cell and gene therapy manufacturing capacity, laboratory space, warehousing capabilities, and increase office support at its facilities in the US and Europe.
The expansion activities will nearly double the capacity at Cognate’s existing Global Manufacturing Facility & Headquarters, located only minutes from Memphis International Airport, the world’s second busiest cargo airport. In Memphis, Cognate will add two separate facilities – a distribution center to help manage global supply chain needs, and a third site focused on commercial manufacturing capabilities – all totaling nearly 250,000 square feet of space. Construction has already begun on Cognate’s GMP Distribution Center and is expected to finalize in early 2021; build out of the commercial manufacturing location will begin in 2021 with the goal of coming online as quickly as possible.
“Our expansion plans in cell and gene therapy, in the US and Europe, and the close proximity to a global shipping and logistics hubs, provide Cognate BioServices, together with Cobra Biologics, a unique competitive advantage not available to other CDMOs. This is critically important to our clients around the world who are commercializing cell and gene therapies that require rapid turn around and often utilize real-time shipping and handling,” said J. Kelly Ganjei, Chairman & CEO of Cognate. “We are committed to rapidly expanding our global reach and capacity, allowing us to further our mission of developing, manufacturing and delivering leading-edge living therapeutics of the highest quality to patients around the globe.”
Cognate initially outlined these US expansion plans in connection with its application for a 15-year Expansion PILOT (payment-in-lieu-of-taxes) approval from the Economic Development Growth Engine (EDGE) for Memphis and Shelby County.
“As our economy continues to recover in the midst of a pandemic, Cognate BioServices’ decision to expand in Memphis is great news for our state and the citizens of West Tennessee,” Tennessee Governor Bill Lee said. “The creation of more than 550 high-quality jobs means new opportunities for area residents, and I appreciate Cognate BioServices for its continued investment and job creation in Tennessee.”
“Over the past 3 years, healthcare and life sciences companies have invested nearly $200 million in our state,” Bob Rolfe, commissioner of the Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development, said. “Growth in this sector results in high-wage, high-growth job opportunities for Tennesseans, and we thank Cognate BioServices for adding hundreds of new jobs in Memphis.”
Cognate BioServices is the leading CDMO for the development and manufacturing of autologous and allogeneic cell and gene therapy products. We are a dynamic, results-driven, organization focused on providing the broadest range of commercialization services to regenerative medicine, cellular immunotherapy and advance cell therapy companies. Cognate provides a unique combination of custom services to companies across all points of clinical and commercial development specializing in mid to late stage clinical trials and supporting our clients through product scale-up into commercial manufacturing. Cognate applies the knowledge and expertise of its business, scientific and technical teams to successfully develop autologous and allogeneic products across multiple cell-based technology platforms from start to finish.
Cognate’s business and expansion activities are supported by leading shareholder EW Healthcare Partners, as well as Medivate Partners, Blackrock, and a Middle East Sovereign Wealth Fund.
Cobra Biologics, the gene therapy division of Cognate BioServices company, is a leading international gene therapy CDMO with GMP approved facilities in both the UK and Sweden, each with an extensive track record in serving our global client base. Cobra offers a broad range of integrated and stand-alone services for both the clinical and commercial gene therapy market. As a trusted provider and a key partner in the drug development and commercialization process, Cobra takes pride in manufacturing excellence and comprehensive range of services to the pharmaceutical and biotech industries.
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