SIO-ADM & Gattefossé Announce Partnership

Gattefossé USA and Gattefossé Canada recently announce their partnership with Société Industrielle des Oléagineux (SIO), a subsidiary of Archer Daniels Midland Company (ADM), to bring highly refined USP/NF-grade injectable oils to the North American pharmaceutical product development market.

SIO’s Refined Soybean Oil IV, Refined Sesame Oil IV, and Refined Olive Oil IV are currently referenced in parenteral lipid emulsions and a variety of pharmaceutical applications.

Responding to the pharmaceutical industry’s needs, notably availability of excipients in drug development formulations, Gattefossé is pleased to offer these USP/NF grade high purity oils in North America.

“As a well-known supplier of lipid-based pharmaceutical excipients, Gattefossé’s philosophy fits well with that of SIO. Including highly purified oils to our North American portfolio allows us to offer a wider range of products to our pharmaceutical customers, especially those formulating for parenteral administration,” states Eric Brun, President and CEO of Gattefossé USA & Canada.

“Gattefossé is the premiere expert and provider of lipid-based formulation solutions to the North American pharmaceutical market, and we see the integration of the SIO Refined Soybean Oil IV, Refined Sesame Oil IV, and Refined Sesame Oil IV into our line of offers as an important step in better serving our customers,” says Ron Permutt, Senior Director of Gattefossé USA Pharmaceutical Division.

Hervé Sibillat, Managing Director of SIO says, “We are very pleased to announce our partnership with Gattefossé for the distribution of our injectable grade vegetable oils. With this agreement we will further expand and strengthen our worldwide presence as a leading manufacturer of highly purified oils. Gattefossé has been our partner for more than 60 years in Europe and we strongly believe this agreement will be another significant step in the development of both companies.”

“Gattefossé USA is eager to complement its existing line of highly specialized lipid excipients with SIO’s highly refined USP/NF grade soybean, sesame and olive oils. We see the combined product line essential to address our customers’ formulation needs and Gattefossé USA’s future business development” says Eric Brun.