The IPEC Foundation Announces 2020 Award Winners
The IPEC Foundation recently announced its 2020 award winners! The winners will be recognized during the IPEC Foundation’s annual awards ceremony that will take place virtually on October 25th. Congratulations to the award winners for their efforts and contributions to the field of excipients!
Ralph Shangraw Memorial Award – for individuals who have provided outstanding research contributions in the study of excipients or excipient-related technology over a number of years.
Dr. Eric Munson, Purdue University
Henk de Jong Industrial Research Award – recognizes individuals working in an industrial setting who have made significant contributions in the field of excipient technology.
Dr. Ali Shaukat, BASF
Patrick DeLuca Emerging Researcher Award – to be presented to a beginning career scientist (post PhD) who has demonstrated interest and dedication to the area of excipients.
Dr. Tze Ning Hiew, Purdue University
Graduate Student Award Winners:
Mr. Andre Beringhs, University of Connecticut
Ms. Guluza Buyukgoz, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Ms. Eylul, Cetindag, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Ms. Navpreet Kaur, University of Minnesota
Ms. Tingting Li, University of Connecticut
Graduate Student Scholarship winners receive a stipend of $1,500 and membership in IPEC-Americas for one year.
Join IPEC-Americas to shape the future by energizing research in excipients through education and scholarship.
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