Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Company, Inc.
Mitsubishi Building, 5-2 Marunouchi 2, Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo 100-8324, Japan
T: +81 3 3283 4913
Mitsubishi Gas Chemical (MGC) is a leading company in the field of oxygen barrier and absorbing polymers. Based on these technologies and experiences, MGC launched new multilayer plastic vial named OXYCAPT™ in 2019. It has achieved an excellent oxygen, carbon dioxide, ultraviolet (UV) barrier, high water vapor barrier, very low extractables, high pH stability, low protein adsorption, high transparency, high break resistance, easier disposability, lighter weight, etc.
OXYCAPT consists of three layers. The drug contact layer and the outer layer are made of cyclo-olefin polymer (COP), and the oxygen barrier layer is made of MGC’s novel polyester.
The oxygen and carbon dioxide barrier of OXYCAPT vial is about 20 times better than that of COP monolayer vial. OXYCAPT also provides an excellent UV barrier. While about 70% of 300 nm UV light transmits through glass and COP, only 1.7% transmits through OXYCAPT. OXYCAPT vials are produced by co-injection blow-molding technology. MGC has also developed inspection methods for testing the oxygen barrier layer. All of the containers are fully inspected by state-of-the-art inspection machinery. MGC can offer ready-to-use (RTU) vials in tray or nest and tub formats. The vials are mainly sterilized using gamma rays. There are 2-, 6-, 10-, and 20-mL variants for vials.
OXYCAPT is especially suitable for biologics and cell and gene therapy products stored at deep-cold or cryogenic temperature. It can maintain container closure integrity (CCI) under such harsh conditions and prevent carbon dioxide permeation generated from dry ice and nitrogen permeation from liquid nitrogen. As the carbon dioxide permeation usually causes pH shift, and nitrogen permeation causes over-pressure in headspace, MGC believes OXYCAPT is an ideal solution for the drugs stored in dry ice and liquid nitrogen.
Posted Date: 12/1/2024
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