Jubilant HollisterStier
3525 N Regal Street
Spokane, WA 99207-5788
T: (509) 489-5656
E: info@jublhs.com
W: www.jublhs.com
Jubilant HollisterStier is an integrated contract manufacturer of sterile injectables, lyophilized products, ophthalmics, and sterile ointments. Our focus on expertise and customer service makes us the perfect choice as your next manufacturing partner.
By investing in long-tenured employees with cross-functional training and innovative equipment, we are able to seize your project’s potential for next level performance at every opportunity. We provide a full-range of support and service to streamline the manufacturing process such as on-site assistance from process qualifications through product release.
JHS is a full-service CMO
Invested in Expertise
At Jubilant HollisterStier, we understand the value of investing in people and technology. Our $285 million expansion of our Spokane, Washington facility reflects this. We are currently scheduling line time of the first of our brand new lines and have begun construction on the second. These new lines are equipped with full isolator technology, 100% weight-checking capabilities at production speeds, three additional compounding suites, and disposable, single-use compounding and filling technologies. Schedule time with us now to complete your next project on our high-speed commercial fill finish line.
EXECUTIVE INTERVIEW – Jubilant HollisterStier: The Importance of Expertise in Sterile Fill Finish
Chris Preti, President of Jubilant HollisterStier, discusses how the CMO is handling increased demand for sterile fill finish and how expertise makes a difference to customer relationships and finished product quality.
Posted Date: 12/1/2023
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